Email Marketing For Non-Profits: How To Create & Schedule A Newsletter

Email Marketing

Nonprofit organizations change the world, support worthwhile projects, help people and achieve a lot of good. Yes, they have committed do-gooders who put a lot of energy, time and passion into their work. Nonprofit organizations make an important contribution to our society. You will learn how nonprofit organizations can achieve and change even more with the help of email marketing. The first part of the three-part series of articles is about planning and creating a newsletter.

As we know, in most cases, nonprofit organizations have few human and financial resources, and fewer and fewer government funds are available. In addition, the competition for donations is also growing. How can they still be successful? Strategic email marketing certainly plays an important role here. “But isn’t marketing advertising and thus manipulation?” One of the other might ask.

Let’s put it this way: Email marketing is an excellent and efficient communication tool, your mouthpiece, so to speak – to engage, inform and educate your target group. It is well known that many NPOs lack resources such as time, money and personnel. To achieve your goals and your target group successfully, there is hardly a more suitable and efficient communication tool for your company. 

Your Advantages With Email Marketing

You not only save (print) costs and time because creating emails is so easy, you strengthen your image and build an emotional bond with your subscribers. With just one click, you have the opportunity to inspire, connect and generate donations. And if you do everything right, with a little planning and strategy, you can turn your newsletter into an effective means of communication permanently.

Before you get started with your email marketing, we recommend clarifying the following points for yourself.

What Do You Want To Achieve With Your Email Marketing?

Your newsletter is the most important communication tool in your marketing mix. But before you get started and aimlessly implement your newsletter campaign, think about what you want to achieve with your newsletter.

  • Would you like to strengthen the image of the organization and increase your brand awareness?
  • Is it your goal to acquire volunteers for a specific project?
  • Or are you planning to increase the number of newsletter subscribers?
  • Your goal could also be to stabilize or increase your donation income in the long term.  
  • Perhaps it is your wish to build the loyalty of your donors and supporters?

These goals are only roughly defined here. The more clearly you formulate your goals, the easier it is for you to decide what measures to take to achieve them. For example, the SMART target definition can be helpful. SMART stands for specific, measurable, accepted, realistic and measurable.

Also Read: Big Data To Help The SDGs

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