Is Business Coaching An Investment With A Return?

Is it worth investing in employee coaching? What is the reason that more and more managers have their coach and how can you use him in your company?
Investing in your people for better results is a necessity today. Trainings, online webinars, changing directives, laws, still something. In addition to their normal job description, employees are forced to learn and move their work value higher along with the company’s goals. How do your staff perceive skills development itself? How do you want to be helpful and use the added value of coaching in your business?
Table of Contents
Business coaching
According to an ICF study from 2009, coaching contributes to a significant improvement in the company’s performance. Employees who have completed coaching are happier, feel more part of the company and are more loyal to it. The study states that:
- 91% of respondents felt an improvement in job satisfaction,
- 77% said that relations had improved,
- 67% felt that teamwork improved.
Unlocking the potential of people leads to the achievement and fulfillment of society’s goals, to their better performance through the use of their natural abilities. Coaching alone and the subsequent fulfillment of potential and goals can lead to a higher level of mental well-being. However, in order to unlock this potential, it is necessary to build an environment in the organization where employees feel respect, security and trust.
Social And Emotional Intelligence Of Employees
In order to be able to understand people, to have the right social interaction with them, it is important to develop social intelligence. Socially intelligent people are considered to be individuals who understand the desires, beliefs and thoughts of others. Social intelligence can be learned, developed and can greatly facilitate working relationships or conflict situations. Emotional intelligence is the ability to recognize and control one’s emotions and the ability to understand the feelings of others. If you want to be a good leader, it is important that you have both intelligence. Coaching is a tool that helps to develop the social and emotional intelligence of the coachee.
Entrepreneur As A Manager With A Coaching Approach
If you decide to use a coaching approach in your work with people, you need to have a suitable coaching education, set an example and have sufficient emotional and social intelligence. A leader who wants to help and increase the performance of his people should meet the following attributes:
- supports and develops its people in a team or company,
- leads them to perform increasingly complex tasks on their own,
- motivates them to look for the best possible solution,
- emphasizes cooperation, goal-setting and recognition,
- is helpful in improving the skills of its people,
- delegates responsibility for the decisions of its people to themselves,
- teaches them to justify their actions,
- creates and strengthens the willingness of employees to receive new education,
- gives a different and impartial view of the situation.
Such an entrepreneur-manager with a coaching approach is for his employees a reverberating willow who actively listens, an equal partner for dialogue, an inspirer who helps to gain an overview of situations, a mediator who holds an independent position and a trainer who assists in the development activities of his employees.
From Problem To Solution
In order to be able to look at a problem that our employee, for example, comes to us and start looking for solutions, it is necessary to respect his world map. As the already mentioned emotional intelligence says, it is necessary to establish a synchrony, which arises from paying full attention to the other person.
As an entrepreneur-manager, it is appropriate to focus on building trust, genuine interest in the problem, to be an active listener, but also to ask curiously and maintain the role of an impartial observer. At this point, it is extremely important to maintain the so-called when, as a manager, you give up the idea of some of your best results.
Let the employee think about the problem he came up with, let him make his own decisions, look for his own solutions and take responsibility for them. If he chooses a solution to his problem according to his own preferences, determines its subsequent control and takes personal responsibility for his proposed solution, this leads him to a determination to perform better and not disappoint himself or others. It is a process where you enable your people to find and implement solutions that are most suitable for them personally and in accordance with their own beliefs and values.
If you want to hold your people accountable, you must first entrust them to them. Then you can easily find out where the problem came from and who was in charge of the matter. It often happens that someone comes to you with a problem to help them. Here it is important to keep in mind that you only remain in the position of assistant / observer and do not get into the role of taking over the problem for that person. Because at that moment, your employee got rid of his problem and you have one more problem.
Tips to move from problem to solution:
- Focus on the solution, not the problem.
- Solve things that the employee can act on, not someone else.
- Transform the problem so that the solution platform emerges.
- Answer how you know the issue is resolved.
- If you have had a similar problem in the past, what has worked for you the most?
- When looking for a solution, you can use brainstorming techniques or a mind map, where you will record all associations from the central idea, everything that could be related to the problem and its solution.
Give Your Employees Bold But Realistic Goals
The primary factor is setting realistic but also bold goals. Coaching can also be helpful in achieving goals and finding solutions. The main factors that affect the achievement of employee goals include:
- personal motivation of the individual,
- his inner determination,
- personal skills,
- creating the necessary conditions.
Motivation or commitment is not always a problem for lower employee performance. If the employee is sufficiently motivated, has an inner determination to achieve the given goal, pitfalls in the form of insufficient competencies may appear on the way to him. Insufficient competencies or unsuitable working conditions can cause an employee to turn into frustration and disproportionate internal stress. Using a coaching approach, you can help an employee find new solutions to obstacles, acquire new skills, or change inappropriate conditions.
Goals need to be set so that they do not overburden, frustrate or unnecessarily stress the employee. All these factors can be detected in time for the employee not to burn, a state of passivity and dissatisfaction. Therefore, it is important to set realistic and achievable goals that will be bold in ensuring that every individual, and with them the company, advances.
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