How To Deal With Business Interruptions Or Temporary Closures

Practical advice and recommendations from experts, which will help entrepreneurs cope with the current situation.
General Recommendations
- In case of temporary interruption of work or closure of the operation, think about guarding or supervision. It is important that the object is not left without human supervision. Take care of regular inspections, which you can also entrust to, for example, your colleagues who are taking forced leave. Of course, by agreement and appropriate training.
- In addition to the necessary lighting, plants, warehouses, machinery and other equipment should be disconnected from the power supply. We also recommend switching off the water supply or other energy supplies.
- Ensure easy and barrier-free availability of hydrants or fire extinguishers.
- Check that all doors, windows and other entrances are closed, not only on the ground floor but also on the first floor.
- Move mobile machines and equipment that remain in closed objects to stable and protected places or otherwise secure them against unwanted movement.
- To prevent possible damage, do not forget to remove all dangerous, flammable, explosive or other chemicals from the building.
- When it comes time to resume operation and restart your machines, follow the instructions and guidelines. Do not rush anything, as non-compliance with the prescribed procedures is one of the biggest risks for the machines.
Recommendations For Operations With Interrupted Activity
- For machines and equipment that cannot be shut down or switched off, it is important that you have a sufficient number of qualified personnel (chickens, mechanics, technicians).
- For modern and automated equipment, we recommend agreeing with the dispatcher to ensure the continuity of control, e.g. in the form of a telephone emergency service so that maintenance personnel can respond quickly if necessary.
- Remember to pressurize devices, they must be deactivated before switching off. Also check the safety valves. Night and morning frosts still occur, which can cause heating equipment to freeze, so it is important to drain the water.
- Flammable and packaging materials should be placed at a sufficient distance from any source of fire or heat (lighting, charger, battery and others).
Recommendations For Construction Companies
- Keep in mind that if you have earthworks in progress, you should secure the foundations of the surrounding buildings, create temporary fixings or supports. Don’t forget to protect the excavations and pits from atmospheric precipitation, create drainage canals or cover such objects.
- Secure the construction even if the building material, machinery, equipment or the building itself may be damaged by atmospheric precipitation or a storm. Don’t forget unfinished openings such as windows, doors or gates.
- Think of fencing the entire building plot.
- Provide clear documentation, resp. an inventory of machinery, equipment and materials that remain on the construction site even at the time of the interruption.
- We also recommend the installation of cameras, fire or detection systems and sensors. If this is not possible, have the building site inspected regularly by the site manager or his authorized staff.
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