2022 Trends In Telecommunications That You Should Know

Forecasting 2022 trends in telecommunications seems like a simple exercise, theoretically. It is enough to look at the first tests of 5G connections to appreciate everything that is going to change both in technology and in everyday life.
However, as we will see, 5G technology is just the support that will speed up the development of other advances that will decisively influence digital transformation .
At the same time, Blockchain, the Internet of things, Artificial Intelligence and WiFi 6 will experience significant evolution and a considerable increase in demand. On the other hand, we must recognize that the higher the density and speed of data shared with these technologies, the greater the demand for cybersecurity. Therefore, this last aspect must be taken into account beyond a simple concern.
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5G: The First Of The 2022 Trends In Telecommunications
Undoubtedly, the fifth generation of Internet connection came to change everything known in communication and interconnected services . The ultra-low latency and bandwidth offered by this technology will do much more than speed up the exchange of voice and data between people.
Indeed, these properties of 5G will make it possible to cover the growing number of devices connected to each other and/or operated remotely through the Internet of things . In this way, the ability to respond to each other will occur practically in real time.
For example, the expansion of 5G will mark the transition from Smart Cities to Digital Cities . In the former, the achievement is limited to obtaining data from the citizen. Meanwhile, in the latter, control of services such as medical assistance will be achieved remotely and instantly.
And this is just one of the aspects that this form of advanced connectivity will improve ; not counting the benefits it will offer in various productive areas. So it’s no wonder that 5G leads this dossier of 2022 trends in telecommunications.
Wifi 6: Advanced Wireless Among The 2022 Trends In Telecommunications
Finally, in 2019 the Wi-Fi Alliance legitimized the new Wi- Fi 6 wireless connection standard . It has even granted the compatibility certificate to recent iPhone models and Samsung mobile devices. In theory, routers equipped with this technology will increase data transmission speeds as well as upload and download speeds.
Even so, some experts point out that such efficiency is not significant: the nominal data speed in the current Wifi 5 is 7 Gbps. For its part, that of Wifi 6 barely increases to 10 Gbps.
However, if we mention Wifi 6 among the 2022 trends in telecommunications , it is because of its foreseeable complementation with 5G in public and private networks. In these, the capacity to support large numbers of connected devices will be increased , as well as the immediacy in the interconnection between them.
2020 Trends In Telecommunications: The Relevance Of AI
Recently, Microsoft estimated that by 2022 about 80% of companies will be using Artificial Intelligence solutions in their customer service. In this sense, the technological multinational assures that the investment in bots will facilitate the “hyper-personalization” of the companies’ offer. On the other hand, it will allow obtaining a higher return on investment – ROI in the areas of user service and support.
Likewise, other studies indicate that almost 70% of consumers agree with the automation of services . They would even be willing to provide their data in exchange for greater personalization. Obviously, this represents an opportunity that can be exploited to its full potential with an adequate AI, Big Data and machine learning infrastructure.
In addition, the simplification of investment in these tools offered by corporations such as Vodafone , will consolidate AI within the 2022 trends in telecommunications.
IoT: The Great Expectation Among The 2022 Trends In Telecommunications
Probably, the forecast for 2022 of the 20 billion equipment and devices connected by IoT – Internet of Things in the world is already exceeded. Currently, there are many and diverse companies that have incorporated this technology into their processes.
On the other hand, more than the number of connected devices , there is talk of more significant advances in narrow band IoT ( narrow band , NB). Likewise, a greater application of IoT NB is insisted on in more sectors of the industry in the medium term. Once again, 5G networks appear to be the great facilitators in this process, since their low latency and high speed will speed up remote operations.
Furthermore, the World Economic Forum forecasts an annual investment in IoT, worldwide, of over a trillion dollars in the next two years. Therefore, it is logical that the implementation of this technology is among the main trends 2022 in telecommunications.
Blockchain Is Also Integrated Into Trends
Precisely, the need to guarantee the integrity and inalterability of the huge amounts of shared data will give relevance to the Blockchain . Of course, the blockchain is a protagonist in the area of commercial transactions with cryptocurrencies . But its application is already being experienced in sectors such as public administrations and legal procedures, as well as in the management of human talent.
However, the most notable application of Blockchain in the immediate future is still linked to the financial sector. A key indicator is the Chinese government’s strong commitment to this technology, including the launch of an official Central Bank cryptocurrency . Meanwhile, JP Morgan, second among the world’s strongest investment banks, will launch its blockchain-based payment network in Japan in early 2022.
Cybersecurity: Pending Matter
Unfortunately, not everything is positive in the 2022 trends in telecommunications . Indeed, the cybersecurity factor continues to be critical: as technological advances advance, systems become more vulnerable to cyber threats .
In the short term, the sensitive points to consider will be:
Fake news and deep fakes spread essentially on social networks. In addition to the damage caused to the reputation of people, companies and institutions, this type of attack produces millionaire losses.
Smart cities , digital cities and connected homes. IoT – controlled smart homes and utilities are a prime target for ransomware hackers . The creation of stronger protection systems against malware and threats in this area is a priority.
Nano Security and Artificial Intelligence. Fortunately, exciting advances in nano security are predicted , specifically in the creation of micro devices compatible with computers and operating systems. Consequently, such elements will be able to control the exchange of data between different terminals efficiently.
On the other hand, through AI it will also be possible to identify and counter new types of attacks, including those created based on the same technology. For now, the 2020 trends in telecommunications allow us to foresee a decisive development of the various technologies that will be the protagonists in the global digital and cultural transformation.
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